Master Data Management
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Create domain golden records and company-wide golden clusters with the new 'Golden Cluster' feature


With the new Golden Cluster feature, you can easily do more data management in the Uniserv Master Data Hub. Read this article to find out how this works and what extended options and added value you have.

Just imagine: Your customer and prospect master data is not simply stored in silos, but automatically quality-assured, linked and consolidated in different ways depending on the business process - simply intelligently managed. The Uniserv Master Data Hub makes this possible by going far beyond the limits of traditional CRM or master data management systems.

With the "Golden Cluster" feature you can expand your data management effortlessly and efficiently.

Golden opportunities with specific golden records and customer clusters

Domain-specific Golden Records = Efficient working

  • There is not only a classic 'Golden Record' per customer or business partner, but now also (optionally) customized Golden Records for each data domain.
  • The data is kept completely separate in terms of maintenance and in the operational source systems and can follow its own rules.
  • The rules for data quality, automatic matching, manual post-processing, data structure and data consolidation, which can be set differently for each data domain, enable each department to work highly efficiently even with the most diverse requirements.

There is also no reason to worry that differing priorities or different quality requirements could negatively affect the data of the other department. This also corresponds to the Data Mesh architecture principle, for example: "Domain-oriented decentralized data ownership"!

"Separate golden records ensure that each department can maintain and use exactly the data that is required for the respective business process independently and with its own rules. The Customer Cluster automatically ensures that the cross-departmental 360-degree view of the customer or prospective customer is not lost. This also applies if you work multi-channel and regardless of which and how many different systems are used."

Customer Cluster = New horizons in data use

  • But even if data maintenance and golden records are carried out separately by data domain or department/area, this does not obstruct your path to a company-wide 360-degree view. The Customer Cluster automatically creates a consolidated, cross-departmental customer/prospect database. This represents the company-wide single point of truth.
  • Optionally, a total household database including household members can be created automatically "on the side" in the B2C area. This view provides interesting starting points for analyses and campaigns.
  • Further automatically generated application-specific customer clusters if required.

With integrated 'state of the art' data quality functions and domain-specific golden records and customer clusters, the Master Data Hub clearly goes one step further than classic CRM or MDM systems. The Master Data Hub is the link to your various systems in which customer/prospect master data is generated or managed.

More options mean a greater gain in knowledge

Creating golden records is not an end in itself, but a decisive advantage. Especially when departments or areas have different requirements in terms of data quality and timeliness. For example, in the insurance industry for marketing and contract management, it is advisable to create specific golden records and also have the option of creating a 360-degree view across departments or divisions. In industries such as insurance companies, banks, building societies, investment companies, energy suppliers, retail groups, etc., this flexibility enables more precise and effective business strategies, as there are often very different requirements for master data between marketing and operations (contract management).

Own Domain Golden Records at department level?

Whenever between departments ...

Enablement in the Master Data Hub

The Master Data Hub is equipped with various special features that enable domain-specific golden records and customer clusters:

  • Domain-specific golden records: They represent a consolidated view of the content of the master data in the respective group of source systems as a so-called single point of truth. This allows departments to have their own independent golden records. They are usually synchronized back into the source systems.
  • Customer Cluster: The records included have a higher level of consolidation than the Golden Records. They are made available to various applications, such as campaign management or analytics. A typical customer cluster is, for example, the consolidated, cross-departmental customer/prospect database. This represents the company-wide single point of truth.



  • Automatically generated total number of households including household members for the B2C sector
  • Other automatically generated, application-specific customer clusters


Technology that inspires

The CDH is your tool to break down silos and turn your data into valuable insights - not just company-wide, but for every department, division and business unit. The Golden Cluster is not just a feature, it is a completely new way for companies to use and understand their most valuable resource - customer and prospect data.

We are here for you.

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