Duplicate cleansing in SAP® systems

Identify your business partner data quickly & unambiguously.

Mayer, Maier, Meier - pretty much the classic example. But it basically says it all. A classic listening error during data entry and it happens: the data record is entered multiple times in the system. How do you know after the fact which one is the right one?

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Avoid duplicates directly during input

Quick Facts about duplicate checking in SAP 

We know how to recognize and merge identical data records. We are experts in this. Our algorithm recognizes similarities that you might not even think of. Of course, it comes with some great features for that. Are you still searching or are you already finding?

  • Identify your business partner in real time.
  • Avoid duplicates right at the time of entry.
  • Get support in the post-processing and clean-up process.
  • Simple plug & play integration.


More about the Uniserv duplicate check

Identifying duplicates in SAP S/4HANA

The best of both worlds

Are you already using SAP HANA? And now you want to ensure good data quality in your new SAP system easily, quickly and efficiently? This is possible with our duplicate check identity for SAP S/4HANA. With our solution, we ensure permanently clean data in your SAP HANA environment. Directly integrated into your system, you keep your system always up-to-date. Our solution for duplicate checking, which was specially developed for SAP HANA, combines the high-performance search of fuzzy search in SAP HANA with Uniserv's many years of experience in identifying data records. And this is how it works:

identity for SAP S/4HANA uses the high-performance fuzzy search in SAP HANA to generate a candidate list of possible duplicates in the first step. In the second step, the Uniserv technology for duplicate recognition identifies the relevant, unique candidates from this selection list. In this process, we use our proven technologies, evaluation methods and knowledge bases of the identity Library. The user receives the identified duplicates as output in the SAP system, including ranking, scoring and detailed hit evaluation. This makes the result transparent and visually comprehensible.

Your advantages:


  • Easy installation as SAP Addon & complete integration into your SAP system.
  • Performant fuzzy search in SAP HANA serves as a basis.
  • Identification of the final hits by means of proven Uniserv technologies.
  • Transparent display of the hits by means of ranking, scoring and hit evaluation.
  • Address type-independent evaluation of business partners.
  • Adaptation to your needs by customizing the configuration.
  • Provision as a cloud service.

Identify duplicates in SAP S4/HANA®


Once the migration to SAP S/4HANA has been completed, a lot has already been invested in data quality as part of Customer Vendor Integration (CVI). It's a shame if you gradually destroy this investment and bring duplicates back into the system. In order to keep the data quality high in the long term, a reliable identity solution is required for central business transactions such as new creation or changes or fuzzy searches.

In the business white paper 'Identify duplicates in SAP S/4HANA quickly and efficiently', you can read how you can keep your data quality high in the long term by preventing double or multiple existing business partners in an error-tolerant manner.

Download the paper now

Finding duplicates in the database or importing new business partner data? No problem with Uniserv.

Of course, the duplicate check does not only work for the input. The entire stock of business partner data can also be cleaned up: with the Uniserv DQ Steward. Directly from the SAP interface. Quite simply at the push of a button. Or do you want to import lists? This reconciliation is also convenient - and you ensure a redundancy-free data stock.

The duplicate check runs unnoticed in the background. The results are displayed directly in Uniserv DQ Steward and can be reworked if necessary. An additional release step according to the dual control principle is also possible. Only when the final approval has been given may the corrected data record be transferred to the master data of the SAP system. 

Do you like to have full control? Uniserv DQ Steward offers plenty of detailed statistics & KPIs and transparently shows progress at all times. Of course, all processes are logged in an audit-proof manner.

Quick Facts for SAP Inventory Cleanup

  • Duplicate cleansing in partial or complete inventories.
  • Redundancy-free import of external lists.
  • Enrichment of additional information.
  • Direct processing of the results in your SAP interface.

SAP-certified solutions

Our plug & play solutions with mostly SAP-certified integration offer you the same security and stability for SAP upgrades as SAP's own applications. Adaptations to your special requirements are also carried out flexibly and straightforwardly by our specialists. We support web technologies, especially in the CRM environment, and our solutions can also be easily integrated into customized SAP applications.

We are there for you.

Contact us via the contact form or call us directly.

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