Relocation data reconciliation.
Simple & fast.
In Germany, around eight million people move every year, this is more than 22,000 per day. Compare your address data with the relocation database and keep your address database up to date.
Many people move every day, but only very few notify all contractual partners and service providers of their new address. This leaves immediate traces in every address database: many addresses of customers and prospects are no longer up-to-date. You should not underestimate the consequences of this. Increasing returns, multiple mailings to the old and new address cause unnecessary costs. Inefficient marketing campaigns and unnecessary expenses for production and mailing are additional cost drivers. Manual research is costly and time-consuming. This can be avoided with the relocation data reconciliation from Uniserv.
Advantages of relocation data reconciliation:
- Minimized effort for address maintenance and returns processing.
- Increased deliverability of the shipment and avoidance of multiple mailings and returns.
- Efficient marketing campaigns & optimized response rates.
- Smooth integration into existing processes and workflows.
Always keep your address lists up to date
With the relocation data synchronization from Uniserv
The relocation data reconciliation has all the functions which take into account the specific requirements of the reconciliation with the relocation data and data protection. As a rule, recently relocated persons use the forwarding service of Deutsche Post Adress, which then forwards the letters to the current address. You match your addresses against this relocation data, replace old addresses with new ones and thus keep your address database up to date.
With relocation data reconciliation, you either subject your addresses to a regular check (inventory cleansing) or update all addresses once - for example, before a direct mail campaign. You don't want to give your address data away? Then you can use the relocation file "in-house" by subscription.
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