360° customer view: Your Starter Guide
Away from data silos. Create the golden record and utilise the potential of consolidated customer data.
The ‘corner shop principle’ - it has never been as valuable as it is today! You bet? Because what Aunt Emma instinctively mastered on a small scale - the 360-degree view of each individual customer - you need to implement on a large scale in relation to your customers: All information on each individual customer combined in one data record, the golden record. This is the key to personalisation in customer experience management within the customer journey.
In the Starter Guide ‘360-degree customer view’, you will learn how to utilise the full sales and earnings potential of consolidated customer data:
- The corner shop as a real benchmark
- Customer centricity as a solvable challenge
- The importance of a consolidated 360-degree view
- Four steps to consolidated customer data
Download your Starter Guide ‘360-degree customer view’ now. And realise the full potential of your consolidated customer data.

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